What Is The Best Time To Buy Tires?
A lot of people think that they can get the best deal on tires by buying them in January. However, this isn’t always true, and there are many factors to consider when deciding what time of year is best for you. The type of tire makes a huge difference, so be sure to find out all…
Can You Fix A Bent Rim? You Can Save Your Wheel!
Ever had a car with a bent wheel? This is an issue that most people have to deal with at some point in their life. It’s not just annoying, but it can also be dangerous. Luckily, there are companies like Wheel Fixers who specialize in fixing your vehicle tire and wheel problems. They offer professional…
Does Fix A Flat Ruin Your Tire? Tire Care Basics
Fix A Flat is a product that has become ubiquitous in the United States. It’s an aerosol can which you spray into your tire to fix a flat. The question many people have is: “Is Fix A Flat worth it?” Most bike shops will tell you that they’re not necessary because there are other, cheaper…
What Is The Best Way To Give Someone A Flat Tire?
Okay, this might sound creepy but think about how angry some people can make you. They deserve it! If someone really ticks me off and I want to get revenge on them, then giving their car a flat tire would be the least horrible thing that happens to them. Before going into detail about inflicting…
Why Do People Put Carpet Under Tires?
You should put old tires under your tires when storing your car. When you get new tires, what happens to your old tires? You drive in on old tires and drive out on new tires. the old tires are kept in the shop and they are sold off to be recycled. so you can take…